Home PAIT Pay Analytics Intelligence Tool Print General information Is your company ready for the new regulations on equal pay for equal work and pay transparency? The Spanish government’s Annual Regulatory Plan is now addressing transposition of the European Union’s Directive on Equal Pay for Equal Work and Pay Transparency.New obligationsEqual Pay for Equal Work:Justification of any pay differences of 5% or more, for each job level grouping.Adjustment measures for any pay gaps that cannot be justified.Joint assessment with workers’ legal representatives if pay differences are not corrected.Pay Transparency:Information for personnel:All personnel must be notified each year that salary information is available: average pay for women and men at their employment level.Information about pay management criteria: how salaries and salary progression are determined (annual pay increases for merit, promotions, etc.).Information submitted to an equality body regarding any pay differences and their justification. More information A unique solution on the market How can we help you? Our solution Our technological solution known as PAIT® (Pay Analytics Intelligence Tool), developed specifically by Peoplematters and GMV, incorporates advanced analytics and artificial intelligence algorithms to create customized, dynamic analyses in a visual, user-friendly way. This tool makes it possible to study a multitude of pay gap variables and establish strategies for improvement. It has been designed to offer a range of solutions, by predicting and correcting the future evolution of any existing pay gaps, based on strategic planning for personnel and other relevant variables. Characteristics Justify pay gaps and identify their causes We help you perform systematic work to justify any existing pay differences and identify their causes:Streamline and organize salary-related items.Record any anomalous situations.Multiple analyses: position in pay ranges, performance evolution, etc.Statistical correlation analysis for variables.Analysis of any existing pay gaps, and identification of pain points to assist with justification and/or corrective measures.Identify key leverage points for effective actions We work together with you to identify key leverage points, so you can take effective action to manage and control any existing pay gaps:Identify potential adjustment measures as focal points for improvement efforts (business plans, salary reviews, career plans, performance evaluation criteria, workforce planning, promotions, dismissals, etc.).Define scenarios and create forecasts to assess the impact on pay gaps.Calculate financial impacts and associated timelines.Define action plans (3-5 years).Define and implement a pay transparency strategy We help you define and implement your pay transparency strategy:Ensure that you have a remuneration philosophy and strategy, with active pay management and objective decision-making (policy and tools).Analyze where you are, and where you want to go: Transparency Plan.Configure your messages and decide how to delivery them effectively.Implement communication sessions with managers, as preparation for conversions on transparency. Our partner Peoplematters is a team of professionals with more than 15 years of experience in consulting for Human Capital Management, to help organizations achieve their business goals and transformations through strategic, tactical, and operational management of their human capital.How do they do this?By innovating and implementing the most suitable solutions to address the challenges and opportunities existing for decision-makers at each organization.By working together with organizations, to give them guidance on where they want to go, and where they need to be.By building solutions and activating key leverage points for managing personnel.By plotting a course for each organization, and helping it move forward at the right pace to ensure success. Contact Would you like to learn more? Nombre* Email * Empresa* Mensaje ¿Interesado en una demo? - None -SíNo Deseo recibir comunicación comercial por medios electrónicos Trataremos sus datos para gestionar las peticiones o sugerencias que nos envíe. Cuando sea necesario para dar respuesta a su mensaje, en función del país o área de interés que nos indique, podemos comunicar sus datos a otras empresas del Grupo GMV. Puede ejercer sus derechos de protección de datos dirigiéndose a [email protected]. Más información en nuestra Política de Privacidad. * Required fields. CAPTCHA