Home Matool Definition, evaluation, and optimization of station keeping strategies for geostationary satellites Print General Information Mission analysis support Matool analyses the performance of your station-keeping and collocation strategies in terms of orbital evolution and safety constraints during a long-term simulation for a GEO mission.Matool adapts to each client's needs including station-keeping strategies for chemical, hybrid or full electrical platforms.As part of the FocusSuite family, Matool is able to use operational data from FocusGEO.For more information contact us. Features Mission Analysis support Performance Evaluation Evaluation of inclination control strategy (N/S) and drift/eccentricity control strategy (E/W).Evaluation of coupled inclination and drift/eccentricity control strategies (electric platforms).Strategy performance in terms of safety and velocity required.Performance of these strategies is evaluated through simulation of the expected orbit determination errors and thruster behavior (thrust-to-thrust, cross-coupling, etc.).Planning future maneuvers required by the satellite within the simulation interval.Relative visibility between satellites.Analysis and feasibility of collocation strategies for several satellites in the same orbital slot.Verification of the restrictions associated with the control window.Verification of safety constraints (minimum inter-satellite distance and separation angles). Evaluation functions Automatic Monte Carlo analysis based on the proposed modelling errors.Automatic computation of the collocation parameters based on the characteristics of the cluster.Generic maneuver calibration avoiding dependencies on a particular platform.Platform-specific station-keeping strategies.Swapping direction between north and south.Specific configuration based on the propulsion system (chemical, hybrid or full electric).Independent station keeping cycle for EW and NS maneuvers.Maneuver splitting for north/south thrust.Free inclination drift management (no inclination control strategy).Chemical vs ionic propulsion analysis.Mass evolution calculation.Life cycle estimate. News Telecommunications GMV at the eighth annual GOVSATCOM conference Earth Observation Deciphering climate-induced displacement in Somalia: A remote sensing perspective Telecommunications GMV to Deliver Next-Generation Satellite Control Software Suite for the Telesat Lightspeed Constellation More news