Home About GMV Get to Know the Company R&D+I Aid ARTEMIS CRYSTAL Print Share GMV participates in the ARTEMIS CRYSTAL project. The ARTEMIS joint undertaking project CRYSTAL (CRitical sYSTem engineering AcceLeration) is taking on the challenge of establishing and advancing an Interoperability Specification (IOS) and a Reference Technology Platform (RTP) as a European standard for safety-critical systems. This standard will allow any type of tool to be integrated, reducing the dependency on specific products and facilitating sharing and interconnecting their data in a single open framework of Web technologies and common interoperability shared among various life cycle domains. This significantly reduces the complexity of the entire integration process. Compared to many other research projects, CRYSTAL is strongly industry-oriented and will provide easy-to-use integrated tool chains with a TRL maturity level up to 7. 71 partners in 10 countries Creating and implementing a new standard on a large scale in an already consolidated market cannot be achieved by individual organizations. But with a budget of over €82 million and 71 partners from 10 different European countries, CRYSTAL has the critical mass to accomplish this endeavor. The project consortium is made up of participants from all relevant stakeholders, including original equipment manufacturers, suppliers, tool vendors, and researchers. Practical industrial applications Within the CRYSTAL framework, the proposed IOS and RTP are being used in practical industrial applications as demonstrators of proof of concept. The industrial uses considered are within the automotive, aerospace, rail, and health sectors. GMV is participating in the aerospace demonstrator “CRYSTAL space toolset applied to Avionics Control Unit Software generation, test, V&V and Certification,” which implements the low-level software for an Avionics Control Unit. GMV evaluates the industrial applicability of the safety analysis framework in the area of space systems. In particular, the results produced in aerospace usage case are assessed with respect to the reliability and safety requirements set out in ESA standards (ECSS-Q-ST-30C and ECSS-Q-ST-40C). CRYSTAL Website: http://www.crystal-artemis.eu/ The CRYSTAL project is co-funded by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the ARTEMIS Call for Proposals 2012, number 332830 and national reference number ART-010000-2013-1.