Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference 20/12/2024 Print Share In October, GMV took part in the 21st technical conference of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory, held in Tarragona's Convention Center under the slogan: The Challenge of Sustainability in Metropolitan Mobility. The conference presented the main actions in mobility of the Camp de Tarragona and went into detail on issues such as sustainable mobility in metropolitan areas as well as interoperability and ticketing in public transport. GMV was represented at the event by Antonio Blanco, Director of Business Development of Intelligent Transport Systems for Spain, Portugal, and Morocco, who took part in the panel discussion entitled Interoperability and Ticketing in Public Transport. During his talk, Antonio Blanco highlighted critical points such as the importance of transport authorities in interoperability. In this regard, Blanco emphasized that the authorities' leadership in interoperability ensures a comprehensive vision of the transportation system while promoting fairness and neutrality and facilitating public-private collaboration. This in turn creates regulatory frameworks that allow operators and technology providers to work together.Moreover, the ITS business development director for Spain, Portugal, and Morocco stressed that one of the greatest challenges to interoperability lies in the technological fragmentation generated by closed and proprietary systems, which hinders integration between different modes of transport. "Authorities should promote open standards and uniform APIs to ensure compatibility between technologies and facilitate centralized management of transport. GMV, with its adoption of European protocols like SIRI and NETEX, is leading the way in the implementation of interoperable systems, enabling efficient integration of ITS solutions, as demonstrated by projects in Castilla-La Mancha and Galicia," he underlined. As Blanco pointed out, there are many examples of authority-led interoperability, such as the Public Transport Card in Madrid and the pioneering system in Catalonia, which allow users to move seamlessly between operators. GMV has contributed significantly to these initiatives with open solutions in regions such as Castilla and Leon, where over 20 operators share a common system. Thanks to Next Generation funds, regions such as Aragon, Murcia, and Castilla-La Mancha are adopting interoperable and open models, consolidating sustainable and efficient mobility in Spain. Print Share Related Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV plays a leading role at the 25th ITS Spain Congress Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV drives innovation in the public transport system of the Madrid Region