Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV merges its German subsidiary with the Company INSYEN AG 14/09/2016 Print Share The German aerospace subsidiary of GMV, GMV GmbH, and INSYEN AG, a German company with a strong background in high-tech aerospace projects, and a leader in space operations, have signed an agreement to merge the two companies to become GMV-INSYEN AG. The merged GMV-INSYEN will be part of the GMV family of companies. Since 2009 GMV has been running a German subsidiary headquartered in Darmstadt, but its trading relations date right back to the company’s first ever contract for ESA’s European Space Operation Center (ESOC) in 1984. This paved the way for many other ESOC projects and was soon followed by EUMETSAT ones; ESOC and EUMETSAT are the two main Darmstadt-based space institutions. Over the next 30-odd years GMV managed to make itself ESOC’s number-one contractor in mission analysis, navigation, flight dynamics and mission control systems and it also became a benchmark EUMETSAT supplier in flight dynamics, mission control, mission planning and data processing systems. GMV is also an important ESOC supplier in simulation systems, ground station software and space debris. This latest merger reinforces GMV’s position in the German space sector and cements its worldwide leadership in ground segment and space operations.INSYEN is a medium-sized German firm with a solid track record in high-tech projects for the aerospace industry. It has a multinational team and a customer portfolio including the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the German public organization DLR GfR, the European GNSS Agency (GSA), the meteorological operator EUMETSAT and the Canadian EO/IR turret manufacturer L3 WESCAM. The bulk of its work has centered on the design, operation and performance of long-term engineering services for major installations, such as the Columbus Control Center in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, plus support for operations of the International Space Station (ISS) and Galileo. The company has also developed several spinoff products from its experience in these projects, including simulators and other support tools for aerospace operations, as well as critical Space mission software systems. The merged GMV-INSYEN company, with 120 employees, will center on the existing business lines of GMV GmbH and INSYEN AG while reinforcing support activities for operations in DLR, ESOC, EUMETSAT and other clients of the space sector. This merger will also allow the resultant company to tap into significant commercial, technological and operational synergies, multiplying its growth rate and driving deeper involvement in European and German space programs. Print Share Related Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force Space Boosting the future of small satellites at SmallSat Symposium 2025 Space The 17th European Space Conference analyzes the future of European space with the participation of GMV