Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV officially endorsed as full partner of SpaceOps 25/11/2019 Print Share The Committee-at-Large (CAL) meeting held in DLR´s GSOC (German Space Operations Center) from November 11 to 15 officially announced GMV as full membership of SpaceOps.SpaceOps (International Committee on Technical Interchange for Space Missions Operations and Ground Data Systems) is an organization created in 1992 to “promote and maintain an international community of space operations experts”. SpaceOps is managed through two committees: an Executive Committee and a Committee-at-Large and it is currently made up by space-agency members plus non-space agency members from academia and industry. Prime among its activities feature the following three mainstays: firstly, its biennial SpaceOps conferences, serving as a forum for swapping notes on methods, trends and tools in the field of space operations; secondly, its “Journal of Space Operations & Communications” and, thirdly, its award program to recognize outstanding achievement by individuals and teams in the space operations field. With the overall aim of inputting its 35+-year experience and expertise in space operations, GMV has long been involved in SpaceOps by means of various sponsorship activities and presiding over sessions of its biennial conferences. From now on, represented by Austin Gosling and Dave McMahon from Germany and Miguel Ángel Molina from GMV in Spain, GMV will be taking an even more active role as full membership by joining the Committee-at-Large and supporting the Communications, Outreach and Publications Group (COPG). Print Share Related Space GMV participates in the III Space Day of EMACOT of the Air and Space Force Space Boosting the future of small satellites at SmallSat Symposium 2025 Space The 17th European Space Conference analyzes the future of European space with the participation of GMV