Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Stay up-to-date on our communications Print Share RSS Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV improves the navigation performance of over 4,000 airports EUROCONTROL awards GMV the evolution of AUGUR, its service for airspace users and air navigation service providersAUGUR verifies the integrity and reliability of GPS signals for a wide range of air operationsGMV will lead all the phases related to the provision of the service’s new features Space GMV leads the AVIS project to optimize navigation for autonomous vessels AVIS will provide accurate and reliable forecasts and enhance positioning for vessels, to optimize routes and make them saferThe project contributes to the European Union’s goal of transforming transportation systems to make them more sustainable Space GMV Leads the Application of SAFe Agile in Aerospace Industry The company applies the SAFe Agile framework, the most widely used globally according to the “16th Annual State of Agile Report” for 2022GMV adopts this innovative working approach, adapting it to the requirements of the highly regulated aerospace industryThe objective is to enhance business agility and productivity, expedite time-to-market for delivering solutions, elevate quality, and bolster the commitment of work teams AeronauticsSpace Second round of flights in the European Commission's SONORA project The goal of the SONORA project is to develop the future of the U-Space industry and unmanned aerial systems The second and final round of testing for the project will make it possible to collect relevant data on the aerial mobility of unmanned aerial systems in urban environments The tests consisted of an exhaustive series of flight plans to assess the accuracy, availability, continuity, and integrity of GNSS receivers integrated with IMUs or other complementary technologies SpaceAutomotive GMV takes another step in the provision of positioning technology for automated driving This new contract cements GMV’s position as an automotive supplier of safe, reliable, and precise positioning solutions based on global navigation satellite systems GMV’s safe and precise positioning solution will meet the extended performance and safety requirements for the next generation of automated vehicles and the developed software will abide by the highest quality levels and the most demanding automotive standards Space GMV successfully tests a robot designed for the assembly and maintenance of structures in Earth’s orbit The tests were conducted in Platform-art®, GMV’s robotic laboratory designed to simulate some of the conditions the system would encounter once in orbit The MIRROR robot can assemble large structures in orbit using smaller modules that fit in the launch systems available today, paving the way for new applications such as orbital solar power stations, large-scale telescopes or antennas, and more In order to successfully accomplish its mission, MIRROR must tackle challenges such as achieving exceptional precision in assembling parts, safely maneuvering within the structure it is assembling, or being able to use tools to assemble the components AeronauticsSpace GMV will be implementing an innovative cybersecurity system for UAVs in Galicia Together with CENTUM research & technology, GMV will be providing the Rozas Airport Research Center (CIAR) with a system that can ensure that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be operated continuously and securely The CIAR is the testing infrastructure created under the Civil UAVs Initiative led by Galicia’s regional government, with the purpose of advancing UAV technologies for civilian use The Civil UAVs Initiative was developed as a way to address the new challenges arising in relation to use of unmanned vehicles, such as managing responses to urgent healthcare situations and other emergencies, sustainable management of forest and marine resources, prevention and suppression of wildfires, biodiversity observation and monitoring, and developing new forms of mobility Space The startup Alén Space consolidates its position by joining GMV This acquisition agreement represents a new stage in the growth path of this startup, which is dedicated to manufacturing small satellites Alén Space will benefit from the support of an established global group that will drive its future growth The multinational tech firm GMV reaffirms its commitment to the New Space, and consolidates its position as a global leader in the space industry Space GMV will develop the future Galileo Second Generation capabilities GMV is selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) for the development of the Galileo Second Generation System Test Bed (G2STB) The G2STB is one of the Key infrastructure elements that ESA is developing for the correct functioning of the Galileo second generation satellites The contract ceremony was performed on March 10 at the GMV´s headquarters Space GMV provides the core software for the Greek SST System GMV has been awarded a contract to provide the core software for the Greek Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) System, which will contribute to the country’s capacity for the European EU-SST partnership The solution is based on GMV’s COTS software for SST (FocusSST), including sensor tasking, orbit determination, collision avoidance, re-entry prediction, and optical data astrometrics and photometric reduction Space GMV assesses impact of Turkey earthquake from space SpaceDefense and Security GMV to develop the ground control center for Hisdesat’s new satellites Government satellite operator Hisdesat has awarded GMV the ground segment project for the two new satellites of the SPAINSAT NG program, to be located in Madrid The project awarded to GMV includes cutting-edge innovations in the development and deployment of satellite control centers: communications security, satellite control system, satellite payload control system, satellite tracking and localization, as well as data reception Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page › Last page »