Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Stay up-to-date on our communications Print Share RSS Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space HealthcareSpace ESA relies on GMV to monitor the health of astronauts The multinational firm is working on a solution to assist with the diagnosis of crew members while reducing the need for consultation with physicians on Earth The project will enhance the use of ultrasound technology to capture clinically relevant medical images of the astronauts’ organs Space GMV guarantees PAZ satellite services INTA entrusted GMV with maintaining the satellite’s main ground segment elements, launched in 2018 with a useful life of seven years GMV was the supplier of the mission control center and has been responsible for its maintenance from the outset The new contract includes corrective maintenance of the main elements of the ground segment, including the flight dynamics system (FDS), the mission control system (MCS), the mission planning system (MPF), and the user services (MUS) Space GMV joins Net Zero Space initiative to eliminate space debris The use of outer space and the more than $1 trillion in benefits estimated for 2030 is threatened by rising orbital pollution There is an urgent need for all stakeholders in the space market to reach a consensus on its safe and sustainable use GMV is a world reference in the study, monitoring and prevention of space debris proliferation, with more than 20 years of experience in this market HealthcareSpace The application of space technology in the monitoring of pigmented skin lesions will enable early detection of melanomas The DALEM project is an example of space technology transfer to dermatology and public-private collaboration between the Biomedical Research Foundation of Madrid's Hospital Universitario La Paz (FIBHULP) and GMV This mobile application will make it possible to record the evolution of skin moles that the specialist can examine in a medical check-up Self-scanning with a cell phone will make it possible to detect melanomas at an early stage, thus helping to reduce morbidity and mortality rates Space Operational Optical Data Services for Meteosat Satellites EUMETSAT awards GMV a contract to provide Operational Optical Data Services to support the flight dynamics operations of its fleet of Meteosat (MSG and MTG) satellites in GEO The main purpose of the service is the regular provision of telescopes optical data (from the 6ROADS network) and orbit determination solutions (making use of GMV’s sstod software) Space Coordinated scheduling software for the EU SST sensors The Spanish Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) awards GMV a contract to develop a coordinated scheduling software for planning and tasking the activities of the overall network of multinational sensors in the EU SST system Space State-of-the-art software to catalogue space debris for the German Space Agency The German Space Agency at DLR awards GMV a contract to develop advanced Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) data processing algorithms for the German SSA Centre (GSSAC) The main purpose of the contract is to develop, validate, and integrate advanced orbit propagation, orbit determination and data correlation algorithms aiming at achieving an overall improved catalog build-up and maintenance capability, contributing to the EU SST system Space Galileo Ground Control Segment ready for Full Operational Capability A new GCS (Ground Control Segment) infrastructure has been completely deployed in the Galileo Ground Control Centres and is being used to operate the Galileo Satellite Constellation The new GCS features improved reliability and security, including the most advanced techniques This is the result of several years of hard work, since GMV was awarded the maintenance and upgrading of the Galileo GCS Space GMV supplies the ground segment of Hispasat’s new generation of satellites The contract includes supply of the control center and flight dynamics system, a new ground station in Río de Janeiro for the Amazonas Nexus satellite, a new satellite tracking system and sundry ground equipment, plus a new control and management system for all Hispasat’s ground stations The deal clincher was GMV’s wealth of experience in systems of this type Hispasat, a Spanish satellite operator, is one of GMV’s flagship clients, now running GMV systems in its whole fleet of satellites Space GMV to organize five demonstrations to develop a holistic European wildfire management strategy The demonstrations will be part of FirEUrisk, a 4-year, 10-million-euro, Horizon 2020 project of the European Commission The five regions chosen for these demos are in Portugal, Spain, Greece, Central Europe (Germany-Poland-Czech Republic) and Sweden The project targets the prevention and reduction of wildfires and adaptation of management strategies to reduce their irreversible effects: human casualties, economic, natural and cultural heritage loss Space GMV develops a new maritime Galileo receiver Asgard kicks off, a project in which GMV is collaborating with Saab to develop a new maritime GNSS receiver based on the open service of Europe's Galileo satellite navigation service The multi-constellation, double-frequency receiver will comply with European and international legislation and use Galileo's OS-NMA authentication mechanism Space GMV supplies operations centre for the new generation of Yahsat satellites Yahsat, the UAE-based satellite operator is one of GMV’s flagship clients The contract includes supply of both the control centre and flight dynamics system for the Thuraya 4-NGS satellite The contract has been won on the strength of GMV’s wealth of experience in supplying systems of this type Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page › Last 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