The Complete GNSS Performance Monitoring and Analysis System

General Information

The Complete GNSS Performance Monitoring and Analysis System for the Aviation Community

GMV has developed MagicGEMINI®, an operational GNSS performance analysis and monitoring tool of the most advanced technology specifically designed to meet the needs of air navigation service providers and airspace users.

The MagicGEMINI® design is multi-constellation oriented, so it supports performance analyses for operational navigation based on GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and their combinations, as well as RAIM and SBAS, RAIM/ARAIM and DGPS augmentations.

Licensing and Price

For details on the licensing conditions and prices, please contact us at [email protected].



MagicGEMINI® is a performance analysis and monitoring tool for GNSS, SBAS, RAIM/ARAIM and DGPS systems and applications, both in real time and post-processing.

It evaluates performance at any GNSS receiver center and the fault-free performance of systems throughout an entire region.

The MagicGEMINI® design is multi-constellation (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou), multi-frequency (L1/L2/L5), and multi-service (APV-I, LPV-200, etc.)

MagicGEMINI® is highly configurable for experimental or research purposes.

MagicGEMINI® processing is fully compliant with international aviation standards such as ICAO GNSS SARPs, RTCA/DO-208 (GPS MOPS), and RTCA/DO-229 C&D/E (SBAS L1 MOPS).

MagicGEMINI® also implements the L1/L5 DFMC SBAS ED-259 standard.

MagicGEMINI® includes a complete set of built-in analysis modules to evaluate a wide variety of individual key performance indicators and statistical characterization indicators.

MagicGEMINI® can operate in real time and in post-processing mode with various input formats.

MagicGEMINI® runs on any standard PC with Windows or Linux OS.

The real-time mode enables GNSS system monitoring, showing alerts and alarms in case of service degradation in any of the supported operations.

MagicGEMINI® supports several data formats in real time, such as NTRIP, SiSNet, proprietary receiver formats, etc.

Some figures worth mentioning include:

  • Satellite visibility and status
  • Navigation System Errors/Accuracy
  • Dilution of Precision (DOP)
  • Protection levels (PLs)
  • System integrity
  • System Availability
  • System Continuity risks

Post-Processing Operating Mode

MagicGEMINI® supports several post-processing data formats, such as Recorded Data, RINEX, RINEXB, EMS, etc.

The post-processing mode can be used to evaluate the suitability of GNSS to support new operations or investigate service degradations.

All figures of merit shown in real time are included, plus some additional ones:

  • Latitude, longitude, and altitude
  • Position, velocity, and acceleration (ECEF)
  • North, east, and vertical errors
  • Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
  • Clock bias and drift
  • Stanford and Stanford-ESA integrity diagrams
  • Safety Index ratio


MagicGEMINI brochures

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