Conference “Spain’s 2020 Space Prospects”

On 13 February Madrid’s Professional Lawyers’ Association (Colegio de Abogados de Madrid) is putting on a conference under the title “Perspectivas del sector espacial español 2020” (Spain’s 2020 Space Prospects).

The opening speech will be given by Elisa González, co-president of the association’s Space and Aeronautics Law Section, followed by two papers, one giving an overview of the Airforce Chief of Staff’s forecasts of future space activities and another on the space-defense relation in the civil sphere.

The space industry’s point of view will be provided by Jorge Potti, General Manager of GMV’s Aerospace sector and Vice President of the Space Committee of the Spanish Association of Space, Aeronautics and Defense Technology Companies (Asociación Española de Empresas Tecnológicas de Defensa, Aeronáutica y Espacio: TEDAE).

Following individual enrolment, attendance is free until filling the seating capacity.




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