Conference "Digitalization in the agrifood sector: solutions and practical cases"

The agrifood sector is one of the most complex in the world. Competition is fierce and clients are becoming increasingly concentrated (food distribution and the hotel and restaurant trade). Digitalization has by now become an essential tool.

The Digital Alliance (DIGIT-A), the first digital collaborative economy platform specializing in digital transformation, with the collaboration of Talent Garden and Revista Alimentaria, has organized a conference on solutions and practical cases for digitalization of the agrifood sector. Papers dealt with issues such as cybersecurity; agrifood-company attack prevention and recovery; validation and integration of new production technology; provisioning- and procurement-management technology; automation of billing procedures; artificial intelligence applied to management; e-commerce; innovation funding, etc.

Miguel Hormigo, Industry Manager of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, is giving an agrifood cybersecurity paper (10:45h).



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