Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Cybersecurity GMV participates in the improvement of government-services security 16/11/2015 Print Share The Spanish Association of Electronics, Digital Contents and ICT Companies (Asociación de Empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información, Telecomunicaciones y Contenidos Digitales; AMETIC), with the collaboration of the Ministry of Finance and Government Authorities (Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas), organized an informative event on the new version of the National Security Scheme (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad: ENS), recently published in Royal Decree 951/2015. The venue was the Madrid head office of the Spanish Confederation of Entrepreneurial Organizations (CEOE), bringing together some of the main government and industry stakeholders.GMV played a key role in the event. The panel discussion on government authorities was moderated by Mariano J. Benito, CISO of GMV Secure e-Solutions and member of AMETIC’s Security and Confidence Committee, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Government Authorities, the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, the Ministry of the Presidency and the City Council of Madrid. Some of the keynote issues dealt with were the growing need for ICT security professionals and the importance of raising awareness of government officials, users of government services and the public at large, within the current budgetary environment. The closing address stressed the importance of working actively on materialization of the digital transformation plan of the general state government and its public bodies (ICT Strategy 2015-2020), approved by the Council of Ministers on 2 October. The general objectives and lines of action of this plan include security and full ENS implementation in keeping with the National Cybersecurity Strategy. Mention was also made of the first declaration of shared services, a list including a managed security service for the general state government. Print Share Related Cybersecurity 18th STIC CCN-CERT Conference | 6th ESPDEF-CERT Cyber-Defense Conference: ICT R&D&I as a guarantee of strategic sovereignty Cybersecurity GMV awarded a prize by SIC magazine for its three-decade track record and contribution to the cybersecurity sector Cybersecurity 26th International Information Security Workshop 14 Nov