Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Services Hofmann revolutionizes the world of photography 2.0 with the collaboration of GMV 28/05/2012 Print Share Hofmann now has a new web portal, creating a community of Club Hofmann users who can see and vote on the published albums. Users can access the portal through an email registry and password or as a Facebook user, inviting their Facebook contacts to view their album privately or sending out the invitation by email. GMV was the firm that took on responsibility for developing this project on a Liferay platform, including all necessary cloud infrastructure, both of servers and storage spaces. This approach helped to simplify and optimize resources, both of storage space and processing needs at times of heaviest workload (holidays, Christmas, etc). Ever since it was founded in 1923 Hofmann has kept apace with the breakthroughs and advances of each moment. Starting off as a small workshop preparing liturgical books, it became Europe’s leading manufacturer of photograph frames and albums. In only five years it managed to make itself one of Europe’s trailblazing firms in the sale and manufacture of digital albums and other personalized photograph products. The aim of this project is to add a social dimension to digital albums and create a space for “Experience between the brand and users” allowing them to order a digital album and then share it in real time with their friends, even authorizing them to request a copy with a single click (impossible before creation of the portal), all in a secure environment of maximum privacy for users. Another important new feature of the portal is the creation of the Hofmann Gallery, the only public space where users can view the thousands of themed albums published, broken down into the most viewed, the most voted or the most recent … These albums are made by the clients themselves and serve as inspiration for everyone making up the great Hofmann Community. See at: www.hofmann.es www.albumdigital.com Print Share Related Services PAIT, the tool of GMV and Peoplematters, wins an award in the 16th Comunicaciones Hoy Awards Digital Public ServicesServices PAIT® solution: technological support for the new equal pay and pay transparency regulations HealthcareIndustryServices AMETIC Artificial Intelligence Summit 2024 #AIAMSummit24 09 May