Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV donates its telemedicine platform to the EHAS Foundation 24/03/2014 Print Share By donating its Antari healthcare platform, GMV helps to bring cutting-edge healthcare technology to developing areas of Hispano-America The Hispano-American Health Link (Enlace Hispano Americano de Salud: EHAS) seeks to improve international cooperation for developing the healthcare ICT sector in Hispano-American countries or other developing countries. It currently has up-and-running projects in Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, the latter country being responsible for some of the foundation’s biggest and most important projects. GMV, for its part, has been involved for some years now in the development of groundbreaking, medicine-related ICTs, for example, the antari Primary Care telemedicine system. This is a complete telemedicine system that brings teleconsultation services to developing areas that are currently hard put to provide their populations with a viable health service. It also considerably improves patient monitoring and management capabilities. Technology of this type is now being widely employed and is proving to be a viable way of offering top-quality health services to populations that had previously lacked such attention. After the signing of this agreement to donate the antari Primary Care platform to EHAS, the system will soon be put to use in one of the remotest areas where the foundation is currently working. This involves a telemedicine project that aims to improve maternal and child healthcare services in Río Napo in Peru. With time, this donation agreement will then take the same platform to many more of the projects currently being run by the foundation in several different countries. For GMV it is a great satisfaction to see its game-changing developments having such a direct impact in developing areas. Without any shadow of a doubt the main aim of technological development in the healthcare sector is to improve the healthcare given to the public at large; this endeavor is now driving the development of new applications of the technology sector. Projects like this one bring out just how much ICTs are acting as a driving force and motor of change in today’s and tomorrow’s world Print Share