Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV participates in the European eSkills Week 2012 29/03/2012 Print Share Pupils from Madrid’s Colegio Maravillas visit GMV’s site under this European Commission initiative, with AMETIC acting as point of contact in Spain This continues GMV’s ongoing policy of encouraging budding technological talent A group of fourth-year secondary pupils from Madrid’s Colegio Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas have visited the head office of the Spanish technology multinational GMV as part of the European eSkills Week 2012 held from 26 to 30 March. The main goal of this initiative is to stimulate technological careers among European youngsters.This European Commission initiative is being organized by DIGITALEUROPE and European Schoolnet (EUN); liaison in Spain has been taken on by AMETIC (Association of Companies from the ICT, Communications and Digital Content Sector), through its fundación FTI (Information Technology Foundation, in Spanish initials). The initiative’s aim is to involve all eICT stakeholders in a concerted effort to boost the use of information technologies and encourage secure internet use. This campaign also showcases creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership as strategic values of the new information and knowledge society. The group of 60+ pupils, aged 14 and 15, accompanied by two of their professors and a representative from AMETIC, attended a general presentation of the company by Miguel Ángel Martínez Olagüe, GMV’s Chief Business Development and Marketing Officer. The pupils were then given a rundown of the work carried out in the satellite control center area, where the company is world leader, and also its robotics developments, which aroused keen interest.The European eSkills Week 2012 complements another series of activities that try to close the gap between the education system and the job market and also improve European youngsters’ job-finding prospects. This initiative’s goals chime in neatly with GMV’s ongoing drive to encourage technology careers among youngsters, systematically supporting all activities that work towards this end. In the words of Miguel Ángel Martínez Olagüe himself: “events of this type present a unique opportunity for directly supporting future professionals. We need to nurture budding talent from a young age; stimulating these pupils now is a long-sighted strategy for firms who wish to recruit skilled staff later”. www.fti.es/contenido/e-skills-week-2012-presentación eskills-week.ec.europa.eu/web/guest Print Share