Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV participates in the European defense program for the development of an unmanned ground vehicle 01/07/2020 Print Share GMV will take charge of the command and control and C4ISR interoperability system under the Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS) iMUGS is one of the projects funded under the European Commission’s EDIDP 2019-2020 program In this project GMV will be drawing on its vast experience in command and control and C4ISR interoperability systems The European Commission’s European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) has assigned 30.6 million euros to the iMUGS project for the development of an unmanned ground system. This makes it one of the European Commission’s biggest defense investments to date. The Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS) project will be carried out by a consortium primed by Milrem Robotics, with another 11 hi-tech defense firms, including the technology multinational GMV. The common development of this vehicle will build from Milrem Robotics’s previous program called THEMis, with the addition of various mission systems and autonomy solutions. The aim is to develop a valid scalable architecture applicable to both manned and unmanned vehicles, with the idea of standardizing Europe’s ground and air systems and its command and control and communications systems, sensors, payloads and autonomy algorithms. The system will consist of a robust and modular ground vehicle fitted with an electronic-warfare-resistant command, control and communications system and secure autonomous mobility software to allow the operator to control many different ground and air platforms securely and simultaneously. iMUGS will include several components: system cybersecurity, autonomous mobility, advanced communications systems and further driving-related developments plus manned-unmanned teaming (MUT) including swarms iMUGS will enable European countries to use unmanned vehicles with logistics and ISR functions, trimming the load and increasing troop security. With this joint initiative the European Defence Fund meets member states’ requirements and draws on the skills of Europe’s industry to boost defense capabilities and strategic autonomy. European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) The European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) is the first initiative of the European Union’s 2019 and 2020 defense research window of capabilities. Announced on 7 June 2017, EDIDP can be considered as the “Preparatory Action” of defense research to prove the feasibility of a joint defense-capability development and procurement program. EDIDP’s aim is to drive the European Union’s strategic autonomy and cooperation between member states, making it possible for armed forces to carry out high level operations, with special attention to intelligence, secure communications and cybernetics. Under the EDIDP 2019-2020 program GMV is participating in the iMUGS, GEODE, ESC2 and PANDORA projects. GMV‘s iMUGS role GMV will be coordinator of the command and control and C4ISR interoperability subproject. GMV is bringing to the table its wealth of experience in C2 ground systems and JISR interoperability (JISR =Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance). The overall aim is to develop the C2ISR tactical component for planning and carrying out joint manned and unmanned systems operations, using and distributing sensor data from the unmanned ground vehicle. JISR interoperability synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of all information-obtaining capacities with operation and processing capacities, sending on the resulting information to the assigned person at the right time in the right form and in direct support of present and future operations. The C2 command and control subsystem will be fitted in a Boxer 8 x 8 vehicle for manned-unmanned teaming (MUT) coordination tests. GMV’s participation in iMUGS is based on the experience it has built up in C2 ground systems, dismounted soldier C2 systems and JISR interoperability, areas where GMV is one of the leading companies in Europe. GMV is the leading supplier of Artillery and Dismounted Soldier Command and Control Systems for the Spanish MoD. Since 2016 it has been responsible for maintenance and upgrading of the EUCCIS C2 system of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Print Share