That the island of Formentera is an earthly paradise will come as no surprise to anyone. But what about its sky? Well, its star-studded night sky is equally or even more stunning. Just ask the professors Santi Jiménez and Carles Batlle or the architect Jordi Alemany, who got together to create the island’s first astronomic association, La Associació de Formentera.

The association’s aim is to bring astronomical aspects to wider notice and encourage the theoretical and practical training of its members by holding classes, workshops and looking at the night sky.

From 11 to 13 June a new encounter will be held for all stargazers. Thematic chats, children’s workshops, virtual reality games for visiting our galaxy or joining a mission onboard Apollo XI. All this and more make it a must-attend event for all lovers of the island and the stars.

Miguel Ángel Molina Cobos, GMV’s Business Development Manager Aerospace, will be giving a chat on space debris at 11.00 hours on Sunday 13: "Tackling the space-debris challenge" .

If this piques your interest,


11/06/2021 - 13/06/2021

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