SmartPayload for flexible satellites

Solution for VHTS and software defined SATCOM payload operations


Solution for VHTS and software defined SATCOM payload operations

Smartpcs and Smartrms are part of the SmartPayload solution of GMV SATCOM products for payload operations focused on VHTS and software defined payloads designed for dynamic scenarios.

Fully interoperable with the main satellite manufacturers, Smartpcs and Smartrms offer a comprehensive solution for the operations of flexible SATCOM payloads


SmartPayload suite for flexible satellites

SATCOM capacity management and resource optimization

Smartrms is the SmartPayload solution for SATCOM satellite capacity management, mission planning and resources accounting, obtaining the best ground/space segment candidates for the service.

  • Support to multi-satellite software defined and classical payloads.
  • Satellite resource optimization for traffic management for multiple satellite users including contracts and priorities.
  • Ground and space segment configuration inputs generation: ground EIRP, bandwidth and MODCOD, satellite EIRP, frequency allocation, coverages, assign user terminal to gateway.
  • Detailed link budget computation and optimization with realistic satellite and ground segment models.
  • Exhaustive interference, noise and propagation models including ITU and coordination agreements checks.
  • Support to mobile stations: beam handover, follow-me beam and beam hopping capabilities.
  • Power and bandwidth real-time adjustment of satellite resources adapted to the demand.
  • Mission planning, mission orchestration and continuity and resources accounting.
  • Weather forecast and outage prediction for optimal gateway switching strategy.
  • Interference avoidance scenarios.
  • Network congestion detection and solution when integrated with traffic inputs.
  • Interface with NOC

Smartrms resources optimization is fully integrated with Smartpcs operations.

Comprehensive support for the operations of flexible SATCOM payloads

Smartpcs is a multi-user SATCOM payload management web solution for either single satellites or fleets.

Smartpcs provides analogical payload configuration, analogical and digital beam forming network support for active antennas and steerable antenna pointing, DTP support, payload configuration monitoring, and automatic and unattended payload commanding. All functions are focused on safe operations and support the generation of alarms.


Smartpcs provides:

  • End-to-end real-time SATCOM payload operations: reconfiguration, monitoring, dynamicity, and fault recovery.
  • Single satellites or fleets: homogeneous operations configuration, easily expandable as your fleet grows.
  • Simultaneous multi-mission/multi-user payload management: leasing/splitting of payload resources (beams, bandwidth, power, service area…), multiple customers (external/internal) properly isolated.
  • Payload resources assignment and accounting: constraint check of available and committed resources integrated with OSS/BSS.
  • Flexible and steerable satellite antenna reconfiguration: beam creation and configuration, beam forming, C/I, beam layout, service and isolation areas, and regulatory constraints.
  • Digital Transparent Processor (DTP): unicast, multicast, channel gain setting, DTP checks such as input/output power or spurious frequencies
  • Thermal and DC power checks
  • Operations ground scheduler for payload configuration orchestration, compatibility analysis, tracking and monitoring.
  • Failure detection and recovery.
  • On-board power/spectrum measurements.
  • Payload configuration monitoring
  • Automatic and unattended payload commanding interface with satellite control (SCC) and resource management systems (RMS) including customizable procedures.
  • Safe operations and alarms generation.



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