Home Communication Events Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems Expobus Iberia 2023 Print Share Details GMV will once again attend the third edition of the Road Passenger Transport Fair, ExpoBus Iberia, held from November 16 to 18, 2023 at the Feira Internacional de Galicia ABANCA venue (Silleda, Pontevedra). Considered as the second fair at national level, Expobus will be one more year an exceptional showroom for the trends, news, and innovations for the sector of passenger road transport. Therefore, it will become again an essential event for bus and coach professionals. The event includes an expositive space, many activities program and all the transport varieties: urban, interurban, general, regular special and discretional. It will constitute a valuable indicator of the numerous changes expected at this sector for the next years and a platform to create and make business and exchange knowledge and experiences. GMV will have a stand where it will show its main solutions in ITS, such as the DTD200 (driver ticketing machine), the TV100 (FCS validator) and the EP200 (on-board computer). Details 16/11/2023 - 18/11/2023 For more information Related Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV plays a leading role at the 25th ITS Spain Congress Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference