Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Industry Digital and talent platforms to favor the Agri-food Industry 18/05/2021 Print Share Recovery funds, such as Next Generation EU, will make it possible to promote different lines, including adopting new technologies in agriculture. The agri-food sector is the leading industrial branch in added value and employment in Spain, but it needs an injection of automation and digitization to favor all levels of the agri-food network: crop increase, production optimization, increase in quality levels, customization and traceability of the products, early detection of food risks, prediction of the appearance of plagues and diseases, reduction of the environmental impact caused by fertilizing products and others. At the 4th edition of the AMETIC Artificial Intelligence Summit 2021, Miguel Hormigo, GMV Secure e-Solutions Industry Sector Director, took part to discuss the key factors in the present and future of the agri-food and tourism sector. During his presentation, he highlighted the importance of understanding the needs of the end user and beginning to give providers real capabilities. He pointed out 4 key pillars on which we are working at GMV: the importance of data governance, the function and application of the algorithm, the value chain and interaction. One of the aspects that became evident is that technology in the agri-food industry is synonymous with productivity and future. So, we must create new business models that come from our work with digital services platforms that are advanced technologically and in which we need to contribute talent to develop and take a qualitative step forward in which we offer. In this context, it will be necessary to “innovate without fear of making mistakes, committing to streamlined methodologies that enable the development of useful, real projects in the short term, but strategic in the long term; that enable us to write our own future,” says Miguel Hormigo. The event was closed by the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, who said that “AI is a great opportunity to generate new business models, great operational efficiency in traditional businesses, creating the data economy and quality jobs.” Artigas stressed that “the reconstruction of the country must consist of making contextual and structural changes in the medium and long term to change the production model.” “It must be a country project, a collective effort, to transform Spain, based on an unprecedented commitment to digital transformation, with a crossover effect for the economy, which must be more resilient, sustainable, digital and green.” The Secretary of State also explained that “the main goal of our country in Artificial Intelligence must be to promote talent, improve the economy and boost social well-being.” INTELLIGENT TOURISM & SMART AGRO #AIAMSummit21 (COMPLETE VIDEO) Print Share Related Industry XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 18 Feb - 20 Feb CorporateIndustry Atlas Tecnológico #ReviveVALENCIA 18 Dec 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Industry Quantum computing, key to transforming urban mobility and sustainable logistics