Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Cybersecurity GMV alerts on the evolution of attacks on Critical Infrastructures 04/04/2016 Print Share José María Legido Riba, Director of the Northeast Region of GMV Secure e-Solutions, has collaborated with the "Diari de Tarragona" newspaper to inform the society of the continuous cyberattacks that are suffering our critical infrastructures and the seriousness of the matter. A topic of special interest that affects the environment of our society. Specifically Spain is considered the third country in the world with more cyberattacks on essential services, behind the US and UK. In the Spanish state, the sector that concentrates the bulk of the attacks, with more than half of the total, is the energy facilities followed by tourism infrastructure. To face against the increase of these cyberattacks, organizations such as the European Commission are launching Cybersecurity programs such as SUAC3I project (Secure User Authentication in Control Center for Critical Infrastructures), which has been developed by a consortium of the URV, Eutelsat and led by GMV. As a result of his extensive experience in the field of Cybersecurity, José María Legido has been responsible for leading the project which involved 12 professionals and which already has a finished prototype. In the article "Diari de Tarragona" wanted to highlight how in organizations there is not so much concern in what operators do and mentions that using interconnected networks you can enter the control center. He also highlights the real threat that can cause a dismissed employee that sabotage his former company or a terrorist group that takes the control of a nuclear power plant. Finally, Legido adds that the future towards the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 will generate all kinds of devices connected and vulnerable to attacks that nowadays we cannot imagine. In short, we can sum up in a few words that we are going to have "new risks that need new measures". Full article: Diari de Tarragona – José María Legido Riba Print Share Related Cybersecurity 2nd Smart Ports Chair Symposium 05 Feb 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cybersecurity 18th STIC CCN-CERT Conference | 6th ESPDEF-CERT Cyber-Defense Conference: ICT R&D&I as a guarantee of strategic sovereignty Cybersecurity GMV awarded a prize by SIC magazine for its three-decade track record and contribution to the cybersecurity sector