Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate GMV among the 100 Best Companies to Work for in 2023 25/09/2023 Print Share GMV reaffirms its prominent position in the 2023 Best Companies to Work for Ranking, as reported by Spanish business magazine Actualidad Económica. The company maintains its position in this national ranking, which is based on the results of a survey assessed by independent consultants and experts across various people-related aspects, including talent management, compensation policies, workplace environment, training strategy, and Corporate Social Responsibility. This achievement underscores GMV’s corporate vision centered on human capital as one of its core pillars. In the context of this ranking, Actualidad Económica underscores attraction, development, and retention as the three cornerstones of GMV’s talent management strategy. These pillars have contributed to a 16% increase in its workforce over the past year, reaching a total of 3,000 professionals. This recognition fills the company with pride and serves as a driving force to continue advancing in our commitment to the well-being of the people who comprise GMV’s human team. See the details on the 2023 Best Companies to Work for in Spain, as ranked by Actualidad Económica, by following this link. Print Share Related Corporate GMV recognized at the City of Tres Cantos Awards for its commitment and international reach Corporate European Funds V: Towards Strategic Autonomy 27 Mar - 28 Mar Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns