Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Defense and SecurityAeronautics GMV consolidates its position as a key European participant for collaboration on defense-related projects 10/07/2023 Print Share GMV has been awarded six of the projects selected by the European Defence Fund under the second call of the EDF (European Defence Fund) program. The EDF is intended to sharpen the competitiveness of the European Union defense industry and thus strengthen the EU’s strategic autonomy. In this second call for proposals announced on June 26, the Commission has supported a total of 41 joint defense research and development projects across the European Union, with a total budget of 832 million euros in funding. Given their scale and importance, the projects awarded to GMV, one of them as leader, total 203 million euros and account for 24% of the budget allocated for the 2022 funds. GMV’s involvement once again targets strategic areas for the company. In fact, the value it brings to the table was crucial in clinching these deals, which in turn will improve the company’s international standing with respect to key technologies. The awarded projects focus on developing capabilities in anti-missile early warning systems, avionics, command and control, unmanned systems, navigation and the use of artificial intelligence in various fields. In alphabetical order they are as follows: CONVOY (ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem); EC2 (European Command and Control System; FASETT (Future Air System for European Tactical Transportation); ODINSEYE2 (multinational Development INitiative for a Space-based missile earlY warning architecture II); STORE (Shared daTabase for Optronics image Recognition and Evaluation; and SWAT-SHOAL (SWArm and Teaming operation of manned & unmanned underwater vehicle). Participation in European PESCO and EDIDP/EDF projects represents one of GMV’s strategic lines of operation in the area of security and defense in its international activity and consolidation of critical areas for the company, which has proven to be an essential aspect for allowing its proposals to be selected. In total GMV is taking part in 27 projects, two of them as leader, a result that puts the company in the top positions in terms of participation in this program. Press Release Print Share Related Defense and Security GMV coordinates the GENIUS project to revolutionize the detection and neutralization of explosive devices Defense and Security Analyzing the strengths of Madrid's defense industry Defense and Security João Neto awarded “Best Poster” prize at INForum 2024