Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Space GMV GSharp®: Safe high-accuracy reliable positioning solution for multiple market domains 07/11/2023 Print Share GMV, as a world-renowned supplier of positioning technologies, has consolidated and evolved its high-precision commercial solution by significantly expanding its client portfolio. GMV GSharp® solution serves customers from a wide range of sectors and user applications. Its precise GNSS products are used in several LEO missions by multiple space operators, its high-accuracy corrections are broadcast by major players in the provision of prevision agriculture solutions, and its high-accuracy and safe corrections, together with its SPE, are used by world-renowned automotive OEMs. In this regard, GMV GSharp® is GMV’s High Accuracy solution flagship, a Safe High-Accuracy Reliable Positioning Solution for multiple market domains. The GMV GSharp® solution comprises three main pillars: the Safe Correction Service (SCS), the Safe Positioning Engine (SPE), and the Global GNSS Station Network (GGSN). The Safe Correction Service (SCS) computes the GNSS satellite orbits, clocks, biases, and ionospheric corrections along with integrity flags and error bounds for delivery to GMV customers. These corrections are computed in two redundant processing facilities – one in the US and one in the EU – that are operated and monitored 24x7. For safety-related applications, an ISO 26262 and ISO 21448 compliant safety processor system validates the corrections and provides additional integrity information. The SPE is the on-board element that calculates position, velocity, track angle, heading angle, and the associated integrity status and protection levels for the various outputs. This computation is based on the GNSS information provided by the measurement engine in combination with the IMU data, other sensors, and correction service data provided by the SCS. It has been developed in compliance with ISO 26262 (ASIL-B process), ISO 21448 (SOTIF process), and ISO 21434 (cybersecurity). It is also adaptable to other standards such as CENELEC EN 50128 for rail and DO-178/ ED-12 for aviation, as well as space industry standards. The Global GNSS Station Network (GGSN) is a global reference network deployed, owned, and operated by GMV, which allows continuous monitoring of all flying GNSS satellites. It collects GNSS observation and navigation measurements in RTCM and raw format, together with NavBits, which are delivered in real time to GMV’s processing facilities. Print Share Related Space Innovation and Space Collaboration at SATELLITE 2025 Space GMV key role in CAT-IOD, the ESA’s pioneering mission in Active Debris Removal Space ESA expands the WorldSoils project