Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV improves Cascais’s public transport system 23/03/2021 Print Share Grupo Ruiz has awarded to GMV the contract covering its new public-transport intelligent transportation system (ITS) for the Portuguese town of Cascais. GMV’s turnkey project will combine a fleet-management system, a passenger-information system and onboard video-surveillance plus an eCall system for the Grupo Ruiz bus fleet running in this Portuguese town. GMV’s fleet-management system will fit these buses with the company’s inhouse REC30 equipment, which pools the functions of localization and onboard communications, using a TFT console as driver interface. Grupo Ruiz’s control center will in turn be fitted with GMV’s fleet-management server plus an advanced operator post for management of the whole system. Five additional operator posts will be set up for the municipal district of Cascais, in line with the specifications of the concession that has been awarded to Grupo Ruiz. The onboard passenger-information system displays its information on a TFT screen and will be connected up to the onboard LED panel and also the bus’s outside LED panel. GMV will also be supplying standardized information to the bus-stop information panels not otherwise included in this contract. The video-surveillance system will fit 4 IP cameras on Grupo Ruiz’s full-sized buses plus 3 IP cameras on each of its minibuses. The REC30 will additionally act as onboard video recorder in connection with the control center’s video-surveillance software. Fleet-management peripherals include associated functions like ridership counting with sensors on the buses’ entry- and exit-doors keeping a track of occupancy at all times. The project also comprises the fitting of an emergency eCall system on Cascais’ bus fleet. This eCall system will be capable of setting up a connection with the 112 emergency call attention center if any potential accident is detected or at the driver’s request, enabling the emergency services to react immediately. Print Share Related Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV drives innovation in the public transport system of the Madrid Region