Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Robotic and Scientific Exploration GMV referenced at FAIR-SPACE summit 01/03/2022 Print Share On February 16, GMV NSL attended the Future Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Space (FAIR-SPACE) summit, event organized by the FAIR-SPACE Hub, UK centre of research excellence in space robotics and AI. The Hub was launched in November 2017, as part of the government’s £84m R&D funding on “robotics and AI for extreme environments” through the Industry Strategic Challenge Fund (ISCF). In its initial 3-year programme, the Hub has secured a £7.95m research grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the UK Space Agency (UKSA), boosted by a further £7.5m match fund from the industrial sector and a £15m business development fund. Led by the University of Surrey with over 30 international partners, the FAIR-SPACE Hub consortium offers a unique combination of expertise and capabilities to address key challenges in space robotics and autonomous systems, as well as to influence and engage with the wider community of academia, industry, government and the public. During the event, GMV NSL presented its robotic projects and capabilities and its Robotics and On-board Autonomy (ROA) experience was referenced by Professor Yang Gao, Professor of Space Autonomous Systems at Surrey Space Centre and Founding Head of the Surrey STAR LAB. Print Share Related AutomationRobotic and Scientific Exploration Article: The new role of robotics in industry. A step toward the future of automation and sustainability Robotic and Scientific Exploration GMV successfully completes the FASTNAV planetary exploration project Robotic and Scientific ExplorationTechnology Demos Progress in the next generation of space exploration rovers