Home Communication News Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Corporate Women and girls in science 28/02/2024 Print Share Our purpose in the academic setting is to strengthen talent because today's students are tomorrow's professionals. However, we go beyond that and make an effort to change a reality within tech sectors, the predominance of male profiles over female.International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a highlight on our calendar and every year we join the mission of February 11 to promote access for women and girls to education and training in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).The best way to awaken interest in STEM is by example and therefore once again this year, the women of GMV have gone to elementary and high schools to show that talent is independent of gender and that we can all contribute to scientific and technological development. A total of 14 elementary schools in different parts of Spain, Portugal, Romania, Poland, and the United Kingdom received these GMV professionals to hear their testimonials and experiences in STEM training throughout February.The experience of our colleagues brings to bear the positive impact on both the children and these women. Aurora Izquierdo, an engineer in the Artificial Intelligence and Secure e-Solutions Big Data division at GMV, said “it is a wonderful experience to see the energy and curiosity in the eyes of the children, showing their enthusiasm for learning. Initiatives like this one are essential to breaking down stereotypes and promoting gender equality in science.” Almudena González, an IT presales technical consultant at GMV, indicated that “it is an opportunity to instill in boys and girls the importance of curiosity, creativity, and teamwork in science and technology. It is also essential to talk to them about diversity and inclusivity, and the need to support and respect their female classmates and, generally, anyone who chooses a STEM career”.Mariella Graziano, director of EST Space System Science, Exploration, and Transport sales strategy and development at GMV, participated in the event on “Women and Girls in Science,” organized by Enrico Fermi Science High School on February 16. Students at the school had the opportunity to listen to the experiences of private sector professionals and active academic researchers and their vision about the issue of losing female talent and, thereby, weakening the competitiveness of countries like Italy and Spain. We don't want to be spectators of a reality in which we can affect change. That’s why over the year we have actively participated in a variety of initiatives to progress toward a more diverse and inclusive future. Print Share Related Corporate GMV celebrates the incorporation of 90 new interns Corporate GMV celebrates one year of its internal K2 AI project with the participation of Edurne Pasaban Corporate Together, we go further