Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV sets up its fleet management system in Barcelona’s tramlines 17/06/2021 Print Share The contract takes in the 41 trams of Trambaix and Trambesòs, clocking up between them 30 million trips a year Alstom’s Citadis 302 tram model, running on the six lines, will be fitted with GMV’s inhouse railway fleet management system (SAE-R) This system incorporates state-of-the-art tracking technology, GIS, mobile communications and integration with passenger information systems Alstom has contracted the technology multinational GMV to renew the railway fleet management system (SAE-R) of the two tramlines Tramvia Metropolità del Baix Llobregat (Trambaix) and Tramvia Metropolità del Besòs (Trambesòs). The former is concessionaire of the line running from the metropolitan area of Barcelona to the towns of Baix Llobregat (Sant Joan Despí, Sant Feliu de Llobregat) while the latter runs the line linking up the Forum area, Badalona and Sant Adrià de Besòs. Trambaix’s 23 trams run on three different lines (T1, T2 and T3) with 29 stops along the 14,914 kilometers. In 2019 this tramline’s total ridership was 20,226,482. Trambesòs’s 18 trams cover 14,318 kilometers with 27 stops on three lines, T4, T5 and T6, conveying 9,545,627 passengers in 2019. TRAM currently clocks up over 30 million trips a year, with constantly upward growth trend. According to the figures of the latest annual survey of working-day mobility conducted by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (Autoritá del Transport Metropolitá: ATM), the metropolitan trams are the most highly rated means of collective public transport, outranking private vehicles with a score of 7.7 out of 10. GMV’s fleet management system The tram running on the lines of Trambaix and Trambesòs is the Barcelona variant of Alstom’s Citadis 302 series. GMV’s new fleet management system (SAE-R) meets not only the tram operators’ requirements but also passenger demand for all-in mobility and trustworthy, real-time information. Its aim is twofold: forge even more customer loyalty and cut running costs. GMV’s SAE-R incorporates state-of-the-art tracking technology, GIS and mobile communications to provide a complete range of control-, management- and service-regulation-functions plus passenger information. The core of this system is the GPS tracking system, used in conjunction with an odometer and trackside balises together with data transmission by a communications system, in this case TETRA. This keeps operators in constant touch with the whereabouts of the various recourses (rolling stock and personnel, etc) and maps any incidents on GIS (Geographical Information System) cartography. The fleet management system (SAE-R) is rounded out with passenger information functions, shown on inside information panels, at covered tram stops or stations plus state-of-the-art web facilities and handhelds apps. The system contracted by Alstom from GMV will take in installation of unified central subsystems to enable joint management of the two tramlines, plus fitting of the system in all rolling stock running on the lines of TRAM, comprising 41 trams. The architecture at onboard level will include in each cab a GMV control unit and human-machine interface (HMI) to facilitate interaction between the driver, control center personnel and passengers. The project scope will include a new development for overspeed control in the various trams of the line, tripping visual and sound alarms for the driver. Onboard interfaces will also be established with all the train’s various systems: the train control and monitoring system for receiving technical alarms and state reports, the passenger information and PA system for sending information, the TETRA technology radio system to provide coverage inside tunnels, on platforms and in stations, plus Wi-Fi communications in tram garages, ticketing and points control. To ensure communication redundancy and a broader bandwidth, the new system will allow cell-phone communications. The control center will be fitted with a redundant virtualized server system to unify management of both lines, including interfaces with the driver and timetabling system, with the tram-stop passenger information panels and the TETRA train-track communications system. One of the main project principles will be to achieve interoperability with new systems that will include both at onboard level and in the control center the development of an API for publishing significant fleet management SAE-R information, based on the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. GMV, an ITS provider since 1994 GMV is a worldwide benchmark in the design, development, implementation and rollout of intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) based on IoT, mobile communications and GNSS, boasting over 400 clients in 30 countries from the 5 continents. GMV’s ITS solutions spell improved services, lower running costs and higher passenger satisfaction levels. GMV’s rail and tram ITSs have been taken up throughout Spain in such flagship cities as Barcelona, Valencia and Zaragoza, as well as countries like Poland, Morocco, Taiwan, Philippines, Chile, Australia and Israel. In Catalunya its passenger transport management systems have also been taken up in: Metro de Barcelona, TMB-Barcelona, Autoritat del Transport Metropolitá – Barcelona; Transports Reus- Reus; Matarobus- Mataró; TUS- Sabadell; Autobusos de Lleida - Lérida; Grupo Baixbus, Sagalés, etc. For more information: Bussiness Development, Marketing and Communication [email protected] Print Share Related Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV plays a leading role at the 25th ITS Spain Congress Intelligent Transportation Systems 5th Edition of the ANFAC Forum 20 Feb Intelligent Transportation Systems 21st Metropolitan Mobility Observatory Technical Conference