Home Back New search in Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space 2nd Hacking and Cybersecurity Conference Print Share Details Hackplayers is a Spanish-speaking community for hacking and cybersecurity research and knowledge-exchange. It first came into being in Madrid in 2009 as a simple personal blog; with the passing of time it built up a high profile on various social media with thousands of followers, numerous collaborations and participations, forums and real-time chats. On the upcoming 8 and 9 February it is putting on the 2nd Hacking and Cybersecurity Conference. Óscar Alfonso Díaz, GMV’s Cybersecurity Project Manager and Auditor, will be giving a lecture on “WiFi Hacking with Airgeddon” on the first day of the conference (Friday 8 from 19.10 to 20.00 hours). He will be speaking about typical wireless-network attack vectors, good and bad practices when setting up WiFi access points, all based on the Airgeddon tool. Details 08/02/2019 - 09/02/2019 MÁS INFO