FIMART, Smart Rural Innovation Tradefair, is an event organized by the Provincial Council of Cordoba (Diputación de Córdoba) through the Provincial Economic Development Institute (Instituto Provincial de Desarrollo Económico). It aims to showcase the latest breakthroughs in technologies and groundbreaking services to promote innovation in the rural world, forestry and companies of the agrofood value chain.

Antonio Tabasco, Head of Remote-Sensing Applications and Services at GMV, is taking part in the panel of experts “Revolution in remote sensors”, giving an overview of the Copernicus program. (Thursday 26, 18.00 hours)

Furthermore, Miguel Hormigo, Southern Region Manager and Industry 4.0 Team Leader at GMV Secure e-Solutions, takes part in an expert panel that will debate success stories in end-of-the-value-chain technology (Friday 27, 18.00).



26/10/2017 - 28/10/2017

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