5th Annual CRE100DO Event

GMV is taking part in the 5th Annual Event of the CRE100DO initiative “Innovation and growth: an essential alliance” to be held in Madrid on the upcoming 20 November.

CRE100DO is a business transformation program set up by Fundación Innovación Bankinter, the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (Instituto de Comercio Exterior: ICEX) and the Entrepreneurs’ Circle (Círculo de Empresarios) to help Spanish firms find their feet on their way to “becoming big”.

In 2018 CRE100DO chalked up the figure of 100 firms, thus fulfilling its initial target on the strength of the alliance between innovation and growth.

At its annual event CRE100DO will be presenting the 25 latest firms to join the fold while several innovating firms, including GMV, will be looking at innovation as the key growth factor in a competitive world. GMV will be represented at the event by its CEO, Jesús Serrano Martínez, who will be talking about GMV’s innovating and international track record, sharing with the rest of the firms its achievements and future challenges.

The opening address will be given by CRE100DO’s founding organizations, Pedro Guerrero, President of Bankinter, María Peña, Managing Director of ICEX and John de Zulueta, President of the Círculo de Empresarios, while the closure will fall to Reyes Maroto, Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism.



Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/media/events/5th-annual-cre100do-event