“Essential innovation-policy themes”

The Innovating Companies Forum (Foro de Empresas Innovadoras (FEI)) is putting on a conference to look into some of the burning issues that are always cropping up in various narratives and trials but are never properly dealt with. The aim is to identify the qualitative leap necessary to bring innovation and technology into the very center of Spain’s growth policy and bring it up to the efficiency level of its competitors.

The conference will combine two sorts of reflections: firstly to rethink some of the most important restraints on companies’ innovation activity. Secondly, to zoom in on current shortfalls that balk the development of more innovating companies or tend to prevent those that already exist from investing more.

Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, General Manager of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions sector, is taking part in the second debating panel on operational aspects with the input of industrial development projects (12.45 hours).


30/10/2018 - 10/10/2018

Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/media/events/essential-innovation-policy-themes