GMV will be sponsoring the 4th secuDrone, organized by the Association for the Promotion of Strategic Industries and Technology (Asociación para la Promoción de las Tecnologías e Industrias Estratégicas: APTIE) and to be held on 9 and 10 June in the Colegio de Guardias Jóvenes de la Guardia Civil in Valdemoro (Madrid).

The idea is to bring together manufacturers, users and operators of UASs and anti-UASs to take stock of the current situation of anti-UAS technology in terms of its operational aspects, market trends, main needs and technical proposals to meet them. This will be done by means of a program of lectures and dynamic demos.

Eugenio Sillero Herrero, Project Manager at GMV’s Avionics Systems Division, will be giving a paper under the title «Use of Artificial Intelligence for autonomous emergency recovery».


09/06/2021 - 10/06/2021

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