GMV is sponsoring NAVITEC 2022, an online event taking place from April 4-8.
NAVITEC 2022 is an open forum for space and terrestrial satellite navigation technology designers, developers, integrators, users, universities, and agency representatives.
The event focuses on navigation technologies and techniques that significantly improve user performance, enable future applications, and provide solutions for challenging environments.
Some of the topics to be covered will include:
- Space navigation systems and technologies: use of GNSS in Earth orbits and beyond Earth orbits (e.g. GNSS to the Moon).
- Dedicated systems for exo-navigation (e.g. new systems for PNT on the Moon, on Mars, or in the solar system).
- Scientific exploitation of GNSS signals and PNT technologies (e.g. geodesy, fundamental physics, GNSS-R, and GNSS-RO).
- Atmospheric sciences and space weather, timing, machine learning for scientific applications, etc.