Digital Enterprise Show

The Spanish healthcare system is undergoing a transformation thanks to the use of artificial intelligence. One of the highlights of this is the Tartaglia project, which includes 16 public and private entities in the R&D Missions in Artificial Intelligence Program of the España Digital 2025 agenda and the National AI Strategy.
The project involves technology companies such as GMV, IBM and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, as well as SMEs and data-owning entities such as the Galician Agency for Knowledge Management in Health of the Galician Public Healthcare Services. The software for federated and secure model training in Tartaglia is deployed in the nodes of the data centers, allowing AI models to be trained without the data leaving the security ring of the health system itself. IBM provides the software on which the scientists will work to develop the models.
On June 15, at the Digital Enterprise Show being held in Málaga, Inmaculada Pérez Garro, GMV’s Digital Health Director, together with Javier Quiles, Deputy Director of Information Systems in the Ferrol Health Area of the Galician Public Healthcare Services, and Juan Carlos Sánchez Rosado, Health Industry Leader at IBM, will present the challenges they are facing in the groundbreaking Tartaglia digital health project.
*TARTAGLIA takes place under the R&D Missions in Artificial Intelligence program, which is part of the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. It is financed by the European Union through NextGenerationEU funds. This work has been partially funded by the 'Ministerio De Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital' (project TARTAGLIA, exp. MIA.2021.M02.0005), funds from the Recovery, Resilience and Transformation Plan, co-funded by the European Union, NextGenerationEU.