Hypersonic Reusable Vehicles workshop

From 29 February to 1 March, Cologne, Germany will be hosting a new European Space Agency (ESA) workshop to help stakeholders explore synergies for research and development in the field of reusable hypervelocity vehicles for space applications and “point-to-point” hypersonic aircraft in aeronautics.
The goal of the event is to bring together the space and aeronautics industries to assess common research and development interests in the field of hypersonic vehicles for space and aeronautics applications. Capitalizing on the ESA’s previous participation in relevant studies and the expertise of the European space and aeronautics industries, the workshop seeks to identify technologies to unlock and carry out conceptual studies in the framework of the ESA’s human and robotic exploration.
Mariella Graziano, GMV’s director of strategy and business development for science, exploration, and transportation, and Francesco Pace, from GMV’s EST Space Systems Flight Segment and Robotics unit, will participate in the workshop.