The purpose of the EMA4FLIGHT project was to develop electromechanical actuators (EMAs) and electronic control units (ECUs) for flight control systems.

This project, which ended in 2021, was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, through grant agreement no. 738042.

The EMA4FLIGHT project designed, manufactured, and fine-tuned innovative electromechanical actuator subsystems for ailerons/spoilers and secondary flight control surfaces (winglets and flap tabs), with flight clearance.

The subsystems designed were further improved by an innovative electric motor and ball screw architecture, advanced control and smart safety strategies, and diagnostic and maintenance functions.

Hardware and software certification activities for the aileron/spoiler electronic control units (ECUs) were performed as part of the VALEMA project.


Source URL: https://www.gmv.com/about-gmv/get-know-company/rdi-aid/ema4flight