SmartPayload for conventional satellites

Full failure recovery solutions for complex redundancy rings


SmartPayload for conventional satellites is the GMV family of products designed for intelligent SATCOM payload management that enables simple and secure operations to optimize satellite resources.

SmartPayload for conventional satellites is a complete, modular solution based on building blocks, concepts based on solids products with a proven operational heritage, and well-defined interfaces to be readily integrated with components with other vendors or customers.


Full failure recovery solutions for complex redundancy rings

Link budget and capacity optimization

Smarthz is the SmartPayload solution to simplify and improve the link budget analysis for satellite payload engineers and commercial staff.

Smarthz comprises in a single tool all elements that have an impact on satellite link performance, such as accuracy model of satellite, ground, geometry, signal propagation, interferences, coordination agreements and transponders load, among others.

Smarthz can be used by end-customers to plan their networks and to create a commercial strategy by themselves.

Payload fleet telemetry monitorization

Smartalarms is the SmartpPayload solution that provides communication payload limits monitoring and alarms generation based on limits relative to transponder nominal values including applicability criteria.

  • Payload fleet telemetry monitorization of on real-time telemetry data.

  • Payload limits generation based on satellite database and payload specific limits definition relative to transponder nominal value and applicability criteria. 

  • All limits’ changes along time are stored.

Payload reconfiguration, monitoring and control

Smartrings is the SmartPayload solution for payload reconfiguration, monitoring and control. 

Smartrings automatically solves the channel path within payloads’ redundancy rings and the interconnections based on switches/power dividers and combiners, in both the uplink and downlink.

Power consumption monitoring and sustainability analysis

Smartpower is the SmartPayload solution that supports the spacecraft DC power budget analysis for a required operational configuration and for simulated scenarios.

Smartpower computes power and thermal limit checks, monitoring the payload configuration against solar panels, bus load, battery depth of discharge (DoD) and battery recharge.

Smartpower analyses and predicts the feasibility of a given configuration by computing the required and available DC power in the satellite as well as its evolution in time, considering the environmental changing conditions throughout the seasons

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