Call for Media: ExoMars launch


The European Space Agency’s ExoMars mission is due for launch on 14 March. The aim of the Exomars program is to investigate the Martian environment and to demonstrate new technologies paving the way for a future Mars sample-return mission in 2018.


GMV, boasting a significant participation in the mission, is taking part in the press conference organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) to herald this event. It will be held on 11 March in ESA’s Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain. Jorge Potti, General Manager of Aerospace, will be presenting GMV’s activities within this program.

Two missions are foreseen within the ExoMars program. The first consists of an Orbiter plus an Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module, to be launched on 14 March; the second, featuring a “rover” exploration vehicle, is due for launch in 2018.




Source URL:ção-social/eventos/call-media-exomars-launch