
GMV is present at the most important technology events in its sectors

Icono Espacio

Space for all

Icono Aeronáutica

Engineering services and the most advanced systems and programs for the aeronautical sector

Icono Defensa y Seguridad
Defense and Security

Innovative solutions for the defense and security sector

Icono Its
Intelligent Transportation Systems

Leader in the design, development, implementation, and rollout of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Icono Automoción

Advanced solutions for connected autonomous vehicles

Icono Ciberseguridad

We cover the entire cybersecurity life cycle: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover

Icono Servicios Públicos Digitales
Digital Public Services

We apply our digital transformation know-how to public administration

Icono Sanidad

Technology and innovation at the service of the healthcare sector

Icono Industria

Defining a new future for smart, competitive, industry

Icono Servicios

We adapt your business to new technology securely

Icono Financiero

Over 35 years as a trusted technology partner of the world’s leading banking institutions

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Ron Knode Service 2015
2015 Ron Knode Service

GMV Secure e-Solutions CISO Mariano J. Benito was recognized by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) with the Ron Knode Service award for being considered a key player in the development and application of models and controls for the Secure Cloud. The Spanish chapter of the CSA had the CSA Guide, Cloud Control Matrix, and State of the Art Studies in Cloud Computing in Spain 2013, 2014, and 2015 translated into Spanish among other work done by the chapter.

50 mejores ideas digitales Expansión 2015
50 Best Digital Ideas of 2015

The HEXIN project, the epidemiological and clinical data processing platform developed for the Galician Health Service (Sergas) with GMV technology, was recognized by Diario Expansión at the 1st edition of the 50 Best Digital Ideas Awards.

Cartuja 2014
2014 Cartuja Award

GMV was recognized at the 4th Cartuja Awards in the R&D+i category among the nearly 350 companies and research and training centers that make up the Cartuja Science and Technology Park.

YPO 2014
2014 YPO Award

GMV Chairwoman Mónica Martínez was recognized for business leadership excellence by YPO.


GMV is the private company with the oldest “.es” domain ( still in use in Spain, according to the analysis by, the entity responsible for managing “.es” domains in Spain, which paid tribute to a hundred universities, public institutions, and companies from all regions who were pioneers in registering Internet domains as it kicked off the commemorative events for the domain's 25th anniversary.

Placa Dintel
2014 Dintel Grand Prize

GMV Chairwoman Mónica Martínez Walter received the honorary distinction of Lady – DINTEL Grand Prize in 2014. She received this award from the DINTEL Foundation in the category of “Senior Executives at Large Organizations in the Public and Private Sector”.

Seguridad TIC 2013
2013 ICT Security Award

GMV received the Red Seguridad Award in the 2013 ICT Security Product or System category for its Checker ATM Security solution, software designed to offer complete and effective ATM protection.

Seguridad BBVA 2013
2013 BBVA Security Award

BBVA recognized GMV with one of its 2013 Security Awards for the company’s outstanding collaboration in the area of Security. GMV developed the Faro Corporative platform for BBVA, which consists of the web application for global security management of the bank's offices and buildings.

Premio Atenea 2013
2013 Atenea Award

The journal Atenea recognized GMV with the award for the most innovative company in the area of Security and Defense in Spain.

Sysnova 2013
2013 Sysnova Award

GMV, together with Thales Alenia Space Italia and the Polytechnic University of Milan, received the Sysnova Award from the European Space Agency (ESA) for the joint COBRa project for deorbiting obsolete satellites.

ISMS Forum
2013 ISMS Forum

ISMS Forum (Spanish Association for the Advancement of Information Security) recognized the work of GMV Secure e-Solutions Security Director/CISO Mariano J. Benito for his exceptional professional contributions to the Forum and to its initiatives.

Emprendedor EY 2013
2013 EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Mónica Martínez received the Innovation award at the 18th edition of the Entrepreneur Awards given by EY (Ernst & Young), sponsored by BNP Paribas in collaboration with IESE.

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GMV News 63
December 2016


GMV Insyen AG, a merger of talent and technology


Dave McMahon, co-founder of INSYEN AG and managing director of GMV Insyen AG

Developed by GMV for Miura 1, the system passes its first qualification phase, a pre-launch condition

The system’s scalability and modularity make it flexible and adaptable to many different types of launch vehicles

The system’s technology affordably guarantees the launcher’s required performance standards

About MIURA 1 and MIURA 5

GMV joins Automation Anywhere Partner Programme

La Automatización de Procesos Robóticos, unida a la Inteligencia Artificial, aumenta la eficiencia operativa además de liberar a los profesionales de tareas tediosas y de bajo nivel

U-Space is the set of new services and procedures designed to guarantee safe and secure airspace access for unmanned aircrafts

The number of civil unmanned aircrafts making use of the airspace is expected to soar in the mid- to long-term, making it urgent to set up an all-in drone traffic management system

It is estimated that Spain will have a fleet of 51,400 professional drones by 2035, making the sector one more mobility and transport factor to be taken into account

GMV becomes the first European firm to renew level-5 appraisal under the new version of the CMMI model, launched midway through 2018

This represents a new recognition of GMV’s ongoing quest of quality as the driver of excellence and sustainability

GMV ha estat seleccionada per al desenvolupament de tecnologies avançades de posicionament precís i segur per a una nova generació de vehicles autònoms

Amb aquest nou projecte, GMV es posiciona com a proveïdor de solucions de posicionament per a cotxe autònom basades en sistemes globals de navegació per satèl·lit, àrea en la qual té un gran coneixement i una experiència demostrada

La solució de posicionament precís i segur de GMV complirà els requisits de seguretat i prestacions del client i el programari desenvolupat seguirà les exigents normatives d’automoció i els més alts nivells de qualitat

ALSA, Spain’s leading road passenger transport operator, in a joint venture with the local firm CITYBUS TRANSPORT, has been awarded the concession for running Rabat’s urban transport service

GMV has been chosen for supplying the fare-collection, fleet-management and passenger-information systems

GMV’s smart systems will be set up in an initial 350-vehicle fleet to be enlarged to 500 over the coming years

The consortium made up by GMV, VVA and FADA-CATEC will lead Galileo and EGNOS services for operations with uncrewed aircraft (RPASs, UAVs and drones)

The purpose of the tests was to gauge the potential drone performance of European navigation systems (Galileo and EGNOS) for air traffic management and for typical applications in various environments

The trials show that Galileo comes up with a better response than America’s GPS and also that EGNOS’s corrections improve GPS accuracy down to less than one meter

The three trials

Conclusions of the tests carried out

GMV has won the competition and subsequent contract for the Coalition Shared Data (CSD) Services Enduring Solution project, which upgrades the MAJIIC2 program results to an operational state

The aim of CSD is to maximize the use and interchange of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) resources by NATO member states

TUSSAM turns to GMV for the rollout of a new onboard video-surveillance system for its 410-bus fleet

With this new project Seville renews its trust in GMV as supplier of its onboard video-surveillance systems after the recent purchase of the counterpart railway system for Metro de Sevilla

GMV’s business in onboard intelligent-transportation-system video-surveillance systems is booming; in 2019 it will be setting up its inhouse solutions in several rolling-stock manufacturers and operators in both the railway- and road-transport sectors

GMV has developed for the Spanish MoD the ground segment systems (CSD-SIERRA) for capturing, storing and distributing information from the unmanned aerial vehicles MQ-9 Predator B

The Spanish airforce is preparing to receive in 2019 the first of the four long-range drones bought in 2015 from General Atomics

The MQ-9 Predator B will support missions within the national territory, such as strategic monitoring in the areas of intelligence, surveillance and maritime security or defense, aerial operations, humanitarian crises, border control and surveillance, firefighting or the fight against terrorism

During validation tests of the ERGO system GMV pulls off for the very first time a 1.4-km autonomous traverse with the TT SHERPA rover

After being put through its paces in three environments (orbital, planetary and nuclear) ESROCOS represents a huge advanced in the use of open-source software in critical applications for robots

The successful results of the ERGO and ESROCOS projects, both being led by GMV as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Space Robotics Technologies Strategic Research Cluster (SRC), mark the end of the first part of the program

As is now tradition, a GMV space robot has returned to the Dehesa de Navalvillar to conduct tests for future lunar missions

RAPID is working to explore lunar terrain at never-before-reached speeds to aid future astronauts who will inhabit the surface of our natural satellite.

Rocks with specific mineral types, unique topographies, traces of moisture, and ancient streambeds are the research objectives for our small artificial guest, which will train it for future planetary exploration missions

The Qilimanjaro-GMV joint venture has completed the first milestone in the construction of the quantum computer at BSC, which consists of remote access to a 5-qubit quantum chip

This chip is operational at Qilimanjaro's Quantum Computing Technology laboratory at the Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) in Barcelona and is, in fact, the first quantum computer located in Spanish territory

This quantum computer has been fully constructed and launched by the joint venture of Spanish companies Qilimanjaro and GMV, using European technology in all its components

Access to this chip will allow the Spanish "Quantum Spain" community, coordinated by BSC, to carry out the first executions of quantum circuits under complete Spanish control

Together with CENTUM research & technology, GMV will be providing the Rozas Airport Research Center (CIAR) with a system that can ensure that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be operated continuously and securely

The CIAR is the testing infrastructure created under the Civil UAVs Initiative led by Galicia’s regional government, with the purpose of advancing UAV technologies for civilian use

The Civil UAVs Initiative was developed as a way to address the new challenges arising in relation to use of unmanned vehicles, such as managing responses to urgent healthcare situations and other emergencies, sustainable management of forest and marine resources, prevention and suppression of wildfires, biodiversity observation and monitoring, and developing new forms of mobility 

The company has been awarded six projects in the second call of the EDF (European Defence Fund) program

The six projects awarded to GMV, one of them as leader, total 203 million euros and account for 24% of the budget allocated for the 2022 funds

These projects focus on developing capabilities in anti-missile early warning systems, avionics, command and control, unmanned systems, navigation and the use of artificial intelligence in various fields

The technological development of MedP-Big Data project is complete. This project aims to improve personalized patient care, health promotion, prevention, and treatment using big data and artificial intelligence (AI)

The project will enable the healthcare services in the Canary Islands and Valencia to promote personalized and precision medicine

This is an example of a national project whose use cases could be applied to any current healthcare service

The European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded GMV a contract to develop the ground segment responsible for in-orbit control and validation of the Galileo Second Generation (G2G)

Europe's global navigation satellite system, known as Galileo, provides positioning and clock synchronization services to more than four billion users worldwide The G2G will introduce new services, improve accuracy, and increase system security 

The new contract comes on top of those already signed by GMV for the Galileo First Generation (G1G), bringing the total contract value since 2018 to more than €500 million

This acquisition agreement represents a new stage in the growth path of this startup, which is dedicated to manufacturing small satellites

Alén Space will benefit from the support of an established global group that will drive its future growth

The multinational tech firm GMV reaffirms its commitment to the New Space, and consolidates its position as a global leader in the space industry

It is the second most common type of cancer that affects more than 1.2 million men worldwide and is the third leading cause of cancer death

With its technology, GMV facilitates the application of evidence-based personalized medicine, as well as the development of clinical guidelines for the benefit of the patient

Together with PIONEER and OPTIMA, the Evidence Hub of the European Association of Urology (EAU) and TARTAGLIA are some examples of GMV's contribution to the fight against prostate cancer

The multinational technology firm has been an active participant in the European Union’s Copernicus program for Earth Observation, during all of its phases and across the entire value chain

The company is actively involved in a number of projects in the space and services components

In addition, GMV is making use of the data generated, in multiple projects focused on areas such as land monitoring, climate change, precision agriculture, and security and emergency services, among others

GMV understands the fundamental importance of personal wellbeing, and this is why for years now, the company has been implementing actions focused on four main aspects of wellbeing: physical, emotional, social, and financial

Thanks to its Wellbeing Program, and other initiatives such as measures supporting workplace flexibility, GMV has achieved an insurance claim rate that is seven points below the average for its industry

The direct benefit of ToxHub is that it allows preclinical and clinical databases to be brought together into an integrated data infrastructure, to help increase the efficiency of clinical trials, reduce research times, and achieve better results for toxicity studies

The platform is being used to increase the safety of pharmaceuticals, replacing some of the animal research by applying retrospective analysis technology to the evidence compiled by the pharmaceutical industry

The aim of this MOU is to enhance Portugal’s Defence Technological and Industrial Base, focusing mainly on the ongoing development of technologies associated with the A-29 Super Tucano and its recently launched A-29N variant

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