GMV participates in Alicante University’s Robotics Engineering Conference


On 16 February GMV took part in the Robotics Engineering Conference organized by Alicante University’s Higher Polytechnic School (Escuela Politécnica Superior: EPS), where company representatives and students participated in various chats and papers dealing not only with robotics technology itself but also robot-related job opportunities.

The head of GMV’s Space Segment and Robotics (SPS) division, Alberto Medina, gave a chat entitled "Robotics and Autonomy in Space and their Terrestrial Applications", looking in detail at space-robot-technology validation and development projects both for the European Space Agency and the European Union’s PERASPERA program. An explanation was also given of the technology transfer process currently underway towards terrestrial applications involving oil and gas plants and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants

Another key participant besides the representative from GMV and other robotics firms was Alberto Martínez Sentana, representing Alicante’s Professional Association of Industrial Engineers, who gave a chat called "Regulated professions and job opportunities".

Back in September 2015 Alicante University’s Higher Polytechnic School (Escuela Politécnica Superior: EPS) became Spain’s first university school to offer a robotics engineering degree. At the moment the first student intake of 60 are taking their second year and in two years’ time they will become the course’s first graduates. In the words of the Head of the course-initiating Escuela Superior Politécnica, Andrés Montoyo: “The new degree responds to society’s current demand for robot experts to tackle a progressively robotized society”.


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