Checker ATM Security clocks up 10 years

As of today checker is protecting over 122,000 ATMs of 40 banks in over 33 countries. It is unquestionably the world’s leading ATM cyberattack protection system.

About a decade ago GMV was given a stiff challenge: to create software to protect ATMs from the cyberattacks that were just beginning to crop up back then. No market solution at that time offered banks protection from hackers, who found ATMs a sitting duck for their criminal activities. GMV was bold enough to invest money, time and knowhow in a solution… and pulled it off.

The first logical ATM attacks were detected in Russia in 2008. It was in 2013 in Mexico when they began to be massive and coordinated, reaching Western Europe a year later. GMV, jointly with Dynasty Technology Group, quickly cottoned on to this threat and spearheaded research into ATM protection even before ATMs became one of the hackers’ pet targets over the next ten years. Innovation has always been hard-wired into GMV, and rising to challenges is the company’s driving force.

This groundbreaking research and collaboration gave birth to checker ATM Security, the custom-built ATM solution, which sold its first license 10 years ago and by now is protecting over 122,000 ATMs of 40 different banks in more than 33 countries. It is by now unquestionably the world’s leading ATM cyberattack protection system.

The key to Checker’s success is simple: “Protection without interference”. Checker is capable of exerting cast-iron control over the system while consuming hardly any resources and without forfeiting system availability. It is also multi-vendor software, installable in the whole range of equipment made by the various vendors.

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