GMV collaborates in Seville University’s second Data Science and Big Data Master

GMV collaborates in Seville University’s second Data Science and Big Data Master

Organizations are well aware that the worldwide stock of information is growing exponentially (2.5 quintillion bytes of information are now generated daily around the world). Processing all this information is vital to harness all its competitive advantages. This challenge is bound to raise the demand for Data Scientists, now considered by the main pundits to be the career of the future.

The Data Scientist is capable of applying analytical techniques to specific business problems, offering game-changing, value-adding, strategy-determining solutions and helping decision-making procedures by turning mere raw data into useful information.

With the aim training up new data scientists Seville University (Universidad de Sevilla) with GMV’s collaboration, offers applied Data Science training in its second Data Science and Big Data Master (segunda edición del Máster de Data Science y Big Data). This postgrad syllabus gives students the necessary skills for data statistics and computing, using artificial intelligence and computation techniques and training course students in the scientific management of Big Data solutions.

The Data Science and Big Data Master is geared towards anyone who wishes to develop or strengthen the necessary analytical and technical skills for pursuing a successful career in business analysis or Big Data. As such it has been designed for university graduates with a sound mathematics training and the suitable technological grounding.


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