GMV and a group of experts have created a document on Cryptography in the Quantum Era

Quantum computing promises to revolutionize technology in the coming years, once it has achieved sufficient power and reliability. Its promise lies in this technology offering a new way of tackling certain problems that cannot currently be handled by classic computing. This great step forward, which will mark a turning point in a variety of scientific disciplines, will also put the security of our information in check. Discover all the keys to this great step in the document we have drawn up at GMV together with major professionals and organizations that have added their view of this subject. APTIE (Association for the Promotion of Strategic Technologies and Industries) is also taking part.
Collaborators in this special, in order of appearance, include Professor Ignacio Luengo, from the Complutense University of Madrid, who explains his experience with the NIST standardization process from the inside. GMV’s Enrique Crespo, meanwhile, offers a detailed explanation of the cryptographic migration process, based on his experience in similar processes. Then, cryptographic hardware manufacturer Utimaco guides us through the next steps we can take to prepare our institutions for a quantum future. The National Cryptologic Center is also taking part, offering guidance on the implications of quantum computers for national security. Finally, the Ministry of the Interior’s Secretary of State for Security shows the development of quantum cryptography and its interest in the quantum ring being crated in the Region of Madrid.