Two new web portals for Universitat de València

GMV has developed two new web portals for Universitat de València, the portal “Universitat de València Digital UVD” (Digital Valencia University), taking in the university’s digital services, and “Campus sostenible” (sustainable campus) pooling all the information on the university’s sustainability programs.

The university has already turned to GMV in the past for setting up its Fatwire-based web-contents manager. This involved a change of design and redistribution of the architecture and the way of working of the editors, modernizing the university’s technological platform and making it much more flexible.

GMV developed a portal creation framework comprising a series of structural elements common to all the new portals to be phased into the platform. The guiding idea was to create portals by reusing the components already created for the university’s website plus some small bespoke add-ons. The page contents are grouped by components, facilitating their creation and reuse.

Universitat de València users can now tap into an agenda of events, breaking news, videos, access to social networking sites, search engines … seeking a new model for the university’s relations with the wider society.

GMV’s wealth of experience in setting up portals and integrating contents management systems was the decisive factor prompting the university to turn to the company once more for developing these new portals, giving the university a much more complete and modern website.


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