Master de Oro prize of the Real Forum de Alta Dirección

GMV’s President, Mónica Martínez Walter, has been awarded the Master de Oro (Gold Master) prize of the Real Forum de Alta Dirección (Royal Forum of Senior Management) in recognition of her work as President of the technology multinational GMV.

Mónica Martínez, graduate and PhD in Physics from Heidelberg University (Germany), has been linked to GMV since 1998 when she was appointed Consultant Director of the Presidency of GMV, helping to shape the policy of the multinational technology group founded by her father, Juan José Martínez García. At the age of 31, after the sudden death of Professor Martínez, she took over the presidency of GMV in 2001. She now combines her scientific work at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany with her presidency of GMV.

Former prizewinners of the Master de Oro of the Real Forum de Alta Dirección include such public figures as Queen Sofía of Spain, for her tireless work in the foundation that bears her name and her support for senior citizens, Severo Ochoa, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mario Molina, the Nobel prizewinner for chemistry, and César Alierta, President of Telefónica, plus presidents of financial institutions, leading Justice figures, ministers, ambassadors, military personnel, university rectors and vice chancellors, journalists, artists, etc.

The Real Forum de Alta Dirección was set up in 1982 under the honorary presidency of King Juan Carlos. It aims to be a forum for swapping ideas and opinions on the defense of the civic and professional rights of its associates. It is made up by over one thousand members from senior management under the presidency of Carlos Escudero de Burón.

Its Master de Oro prizes, awarded twice a year, recognise those public figures who have performed outstanding work in the economic, business, political and cultural sphere or have made significant contributions to the modernisation of companies, the promotion of new technologies, progress in the various fields of human knowledge or reflection on Spain’s situation in the international community, especially relations with the European Union and the Ibero-American Community.

The prize-giving ceremony was held on November, 6th at Madrid’s Palacio Duque de Pastrana during the official inauguration of the academic course 2012/2013.

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