Has everything now been invented in technological project management?

GMV at the Castilla y León PMI Branch of the Madrid, Spain Chapter

If there’s one thing that defines technology, it’s constant innovation. Just as some individuals stand out as more creative, more able to come up with new solutions to the needs created by this evolution-driven process. But although the relationship between creativity and art is obvious to everyone, it is not restricted to this field. In the process of “inventing the future” by applying technology, the threesome of creativity, inventiveness and innovation go hand in hand.

Within this undertaking, claims Ángel Gavín, GMV’s Project Manager and Business Developer and author of the innovation blog El Miracielos “it is quite possible to innovate, be creative, in project management processes and tools”. He goes on to argue that “it is just as possible as it is necessary to apply our imagination in project management”. This begs the question of whether or not we technicians show creativeness in overcoming the hurdles that any project may pose? For this executive, the answer is obvious, since “working with technological tools and developments alone would not be enough”. At the end of the day “we are the people who lead and carry out projects, and inventiveness is hardwired into us”.

In the current context, in which companies are duty bound to implement their digitalization project, “not only process and procedures will be overhauled; there will also be a revolution of practically the whole range of professions”. In the specific case of project managers, among other required skills, “they will have to be trained up in innovation techniques and tools, placing the stress on user experience (design thinking, empathy maps, client experience map, etc.)”.

In turn, digitalization and the growing application of artificial intelligence in processes “will continue to free people from work of little value, opening up a whole range of possibilities for persevering in the application of imagination and creativity, also in project management”.

As pointed out by Ángel Gavín in the enterprises and innovation event organized by the Castilla y León PMI Branch of the Madrid-Spain Chapter, within the collaboration framework with the Science Park of Valladolid University, “Survival or the complete redefinition of the project manager’s job is at stake here”. “Are we up for it?”


Source URL: https://gmv.com/communication/news/has-everything-now-been-invented-technological-project-management