GMV as Industry 4.0 supplier

GMV as Industry 4.0 supplier

GMV is one of the main suppliers featuring in the 5th SMART ENERGY Reference Guide: "Technology for improving energy efficiency", drawn up by the enerTIC platform. This reference document is geared towards those executives and high-ups who are interested in using technology to boost their competitiveness by means of energy saving.

GMV is an active and groundbreaking company in the development of these solutions, using cutting-edge technologies (process improvement, communications, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotics and Big Data) to provide new interconnected ecosystems driven by continuous demand, resource efficiency and optimization, and where cybersecurity, integrated into the whole value chain, plays a fundamental part.

Miguel Hormigo, Manager of the Southern Region and Industry 4.0 expert of GMV Secure e-Solutions, gives his point of view about the trends in this field: “From the ICT point of view the trends for coming years will be defined by three main thrusts: firstly, application of artificial intelligence in forecasting and operation models for efficient energy use; secondly, the use of new cybersecurity models in information systems; and thirdly application of groundbreaking technology like Blockchain to optimize resource use and usher in new relations between all members of the value chain”.

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