GMV invited to Luxembourg by Portuguese Delegation

GMV in Luxembourg with the Portuguese Delegation

GMV was one of the companies invited to join the Portuguese delegation to the NewSpace Europe conference held this November in Luxembourg. The Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, presented the Portuguese Strategy for Space as well as the installation of the AIR Center – Atlantic Interactions Research Center.

NewSpace Europe is the first space conference in Europe to focus solely on the new space industry and it centered on the theme “New Frontiers of Opportunity” highlighting the exponential growth of the space ecosystem, critical to creating a sustainable space economy across the world.

The conference was hosted in Luxembourg City by The Ministry of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which aims to establish Luxembourg as a space-resource exploration and utilization center.

GMV has been actively working on technologies such as guidance, navigation and control, as well as spacecraft asteroid approach operations to support planetary defense missions (e.g. deviating asteroids), study their characteristics (e.g. for scientific purposes and resource exploration) or asteroid landings (i.e. SRU and in-situ science.


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