GMV features among the 100 suppliers considered to be fundamental for improving energy efficiency and sustainability

GMV in the Smart Energy Reference Guide

The digital transformation, technology-as-a-service and process automation are the main challenges to be met by all organizations to keep apace with the changes we are all living through now. Falling behind the times is an unaffordable luxury; it’s go digital or go bust.

Against this backdrop, enerTIC has presented the 6th Smart Energy Reference Guide (VI Edición de la Guía de Referencia Smart Energy) under the title "Good practices, solutions, 100 fundamental suppliers and the trends of 2018". This is now to serve as a benchmark guideline for improving energy efficiency in cities, in power use, in industry and in datacenters. Featuring among the chosen 100 suppliers is GMV, pledged to bring home to government authorities, companies and the public at large the need of tapping into the full potential of the ICT-driven transformation in order to improve energy efficiency and enhance sustainability.

GMV draws on all its technological knowledge and innovation expertise to offer a range of secure services and solutions in different sectors: transport, banking and insurance, industry, healthcare and telecommunications, among others. In particular GMV boasts a wealth of experience and a unique approach that enables it to pool key, company-wide capabilities and offer its clients game-changing, scalable technology that helps them keep up in the digital race.

The aim of this guideline, in short, is to help innovation-seeking company executives to apply competitiveness-boosting technological solutions that, between them, make Spain an innovation benchmark in pursuit of the goals marked out by the European Commission.



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